My hope is that this may touch your heart and remind you of what you have always known. That you are a child of God. He loves you and wants to walk with you and hear from you daily.

We are all born with gifts. All different kinds of gifts, talents, abilities. Some seem to come innately in us, and some get developed. I bet many of us don’t even realize that we are all endowed with unique gifts.

Some of you might be so beaten down that you don’t even know that you are someone special. You are the only you and are beautifully made and have something special to share with the world. You may have never heard this before. Could it be that you weren’t told how precious you are?

Sometimes we get to a point in life and we ask how did I get here. I’m not who I once was. Or perhaps you’ve had some big setbacks or made some big mistakes and feel disqualified. Sometimes with all the hardships, it seems our identity gets stolen from us. Or we forget the truths we once knew about ourselves. You were created by God, you were perfectly and wonderfully made.

It’s a nice reminder to live what you’ve been created to do. I believe we were put here for a reason. That we all have our own journey and a purpose to fulfill. You can call on your creator and heavenly father. Seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

We can take an IQ test and learn how intelligent we are. We can take a personality test and learn our preferences. We can take the Kolbe A™ index and learn how we naturally get things done. We can take a spiritual gifts test and see where our spiritual gifting is. All of these can be of great value, but regardless of all the resources to learn about ourselves that we can leverage to our advantage, our biggest advantage is being in a relationship with the Creator of Life.

God can give you far more than you could ask or think to ask. He wants to be in a relationship with you. This life has many challenges. If you don’t relate, then God Bless you, but for most of us, hardship and setbacks happen. It can be frustrating and daunting thinking of who to turn to in your hour of need. But I would suggest calling on your best friend. He’s unseen but everywhere, and some don’t think he’s real, but I know he is and my hope is that you will call on Him.

I realize this may not be your cup of tea. Some may crave this and others might never read another article that I write. That’s ok, I understand. We can’t be all things to all people. But my hope is that this may touch your heart and remind you of what you have always known. That you are a child of God. He loves you and wants to walk with you and hear from you daily. He wants to hear the details of your life. You are not an accident. Tap into God’s power and live the life you were created for.  God did not promise life would be easy or fair on this side of heaven.  He gives us the opportunity to touch each other’s lives, for eternity, through our own adversity. In our weakness, he makes us strong so that we can be of help. He wants to be your companion through hard times, so to build compassion,  that you may touch the lives of others.