People walk right by to avoid “the least of God’s children”. The people who aren’t always beautiful, or friendly, or could help you. The forgotten people of our society who can’t fend for themselves.
How do you treat people who can’t benefit you? Sounds like a strange question. Is it a matter of integrity or love? Have you ever thought about it? Perhaps likely, some of our community may understand this full well.

On The Boardwalk
Over the course of history, people have been marginalized. However cold and unfortunate that may be. We still see it all too often in present times. It’s tough to see homeless people begging or people who appear to be crazy walking around. People looking grimy or screaming obscenities. Many times, we try not to notice, it’s just too uncomfortable. If we do, we might feel guilty or worse, have to do something. Or the very worst, having to actually interact.
People walk right by to avoid “the least of God’s children”. The people who aren’t always beautiful, or friendly, or could help you. The forgotten people of our society who can’t fend for themselves. Those who need extra help and can’t offer much, let alone do anything for you. Can we love without reciprocity?
I don’t have time. I can’t get involved. Someone else will do it. Survival of the fittest, whatever the case may be. The numbers of special needs individuals are increasing and there are so many others just lost and suffering. I suspect at an all-time high.

Tony and Christian
Did God create these people to be a nuisance? I say no. God currently allows the world to play out, “So that the work of God might be displayed in his life”.
I’ve come to the realization that the only thing that really matters in this world…wait for it…are people. Things and places don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things. But people do.
Clearly, you need to stay safe. We can understand turning away from a dangerous situation. Our mission should be to build a world that can discern the difference; avoiding a dangerous stranger and offering compassion to a stranger in need. How about the special needs children? I can’t get involved. I don’t understand how to interact.

Christian’s Crosses
That’s not my problem. I try to talk to them but they don’t talk back. It’s kind of uncomfortable. There’s a myriad of excuses. Let’s build a world that doesn’t just walk on by the special needs community.
Do you know God loves you? Our creator and heavenly father loves all of us and wants us all to have his love and abundance.
I oftentimes think of our beautiful special needs children when I hear “Blessed are the pure at heart, for they shall see God”. My hope in the meantime is that we can bless one another. Take the time to love people and extend to them grace. “What you do for the least of these, you do for me”.
At Circle of the Panda, we appreciate and value all God’s people. We’re glad you’re here and we aspire to provide a plentitude of resources, be of assistance and provide hope for your journey.